Founded in 1995, but run before that for more than 30 years, Analytical Balance Corp. is a laboratory engaged in the area of environmental and microbiological testing. This work is conducted in accordance with the specific statutory requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, Massachusetts Division of Water Supply, Mass. Department of Environmental Protection, Mass. Dept. of Public Health, Mass. Contingency Plan, local Boards of Health, etc.
Analytical Balance Corp. is deeply committed to a detailed program of quality assurance and quality control. The quality of a laboratory's product - it's data - is the most important element in the operation of a laboratory.
The quality control aspects of the laboratory's operations assist in determining if the individual analysis has been conducted with adequate precision and accuracy while quality assurance helps to confirm that all of the quality control objectives have been met.
Analytical Balance is dedicated to the presentation of only high quality, defensible data. This is accomplished through a continuous program of analysis of additional samples such as multiple standards, laboratory fortified samples, reagent and dilution water blanks and analysis of duplicates (where applicable). In addition, this involves the continuing maintenance and calibration of instruments used in the analyses.
The acceptable analytical results from these quality control samples is one mechanism to confirm that the results being reported to clients have both a high degree of precision and accuracy.