Duncan hearing healthcare provides comprehensive hearing health care services at both of our locations. Our caring, professional staff is available to provide a complete range of testing and state-of-the-art hearing aid services.
We provide services to individuals with hearing loss throughout their life span. We are trained to diagnose, manage and treat hearing problems.
We have the expertise and advanced technology to ensure that you get the most thorough hearing evaluation and the right kind of hearing assistance.
Destiny Line of Hearing Aids from Starkey
Built upon the quantum power of nFusion, this is the very smartest personal audio system currently available. more...
hearing aids, hearing tests, hearing problems, assistive listening devices, hearing aid batteries, custom musicians ear molds, musicians earplugs, ear plugs, hearing protection, personal in-ear monitor systems, personal earphones, ear monitors, hearing test, hearing loss and tinnitus treatment appointments. New Starkey Labs Line of Hearing Aids: Destiny with new nFusion technology