Montessori BeginningsAn Infant/Toddler Preschool Community serving Plymouth, Bourne,
Sandwich, Mashpee and the surrounding Upper Cape.
Take a snapshot of a typical day at Montessori Beginnings and you can't help but notice the fun! You'll see kids working in a prepared
environment with stimulating materials; art and sharing, moving and laughing, sorting and stacking. You'll see work with water and songs,
brushes and books, puzzles and paint, and more. Although it may all look like fun, you're actually seeing something else as well - learning. Everything these young children eat, see, listen to and feel is an intrinsic part of who they will become.
And that's what learning at Montessori Beginnings is all about - "Freedom within Limits".
Please use the links below for more information about our school.