Dr. Nierman has been practicing in the field of urology for over 25 years. He has been dedicated to providing quality urological services to the Milford area since 1983. His office provides friendly and accessible personalized care in a safe and confidential environment for your sensitive issues. He is board certified and specializes in nonsurgical in-office treatment.
He offers treatments and evaluations of most urological conditions with a special interest in the areas of sexual dysfunction, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), stone disease, urinary incontinence, and the no needle no-scalpel vasectomy. Dr. Nierman also offers hormonal treatment for androgen insufficiency including gels, injections, and pellet implants Testopel®.
Dr. Nierman provides outpatient procedures for the treatment of enlarged prostate including Prolieve Thermodilatation of the prostate and Prostiva radiofrequency transurethral needle ablation of the prostate (TUNA).
Dr. Nierman provides both medical and surgical options for the treatment of female incontinence, including outpatient sling procedures.
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