The focus at Spectrum is to constantly improve our internal business strategy so that we can provide our clients with accurate data as quickly as possible. Therefore, our decisions to upgrade technology, purchase new equipment, or re-engineer a process are always made with an eye to how these investments will help our clients save time and money, without sacrificing quality.
Environmental Laboratory Services Enters Into A Strategic Business Alliance With Spectrum Analytical, Inc.
Environmental Laboratory Services (ELS) located in Syracuse, NY has entered into a Strategic Business Alliance with Spectrum Analytical, Inc.
This alliance will provide ELS the ability to work with Spectrum Analytical and produce validatable data packages that meet the requirements of the US EPA Contract Laboratory Program, give ELS the ability to work with engineering firms on CLP projects and secure federal contracts, while satisfying both reporting requirements and minority business utilization considerations.
Our eServices interface now allows you to compare your sample results in realtime to a variety of state and agency standards and criteria. Read more...
Data Quality Assessment Spreadsheets
The Data Quality Assessment (DQA) spreadsheet evaluates all deliverable and non-deliverable quality control parameters within the RCP and displays any non-conformances. Read more...
Spectrum Analytical, Inc. is accredited by the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference.