Freedom and safety for your pet. Peace of mind for you. A hidden fence is more effective, more versatile and less expensive than a traditional dog fence. And DogWatch offers the safest, most reliable pet fence system in the business.
We are committed to keeping your pets happy and safe. We've been providing the best underground dog fence in the business since 1990.
We offer several easy and effective indoor pet fence systems. With an indoor dog fence, you can take down the baby gates, open the doors and uncover the furniture! Our indoor pet containment systems work well for cats, too!
Check our Products section to learn about the Remote Trainer developed by DogWatch. Available Spring 2009.
We are also the proud owners of Bridlewood Kennels of Rowley, Mass.
DogWatch Hidden Fences is a Consumer Digest BEST BUY
Recognizing our commitment to safety, value, and advanced
pet fence technology, Consumers Digest has awarded DogWatch
Hidden Fences with a Best Buy rating every year since 1998
We strive for the best client and pet care. Our job is not only to treat your pet when he or she isn't feeling well, but also to help you learn how to keep your best friend happy and healthy.
We offer half hour and one hour private lessons that accommodate all levels and most musical styles. At the JPMC we understand that our adult (and pre-adult) students have busy lives, so lessons are