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Need local real estate information? I've summarized much of what is important about the Roseville, Sacramento and Citrus Heights real estate market in this site.
Need expert advice? No web site, large or small, can take the place of a top Realtor. Not even mine! This site is filled with ways that you can contact me for one-on-one expert help and advice. That's What I'm Here For...
Contact me with confidence! I guarantee your privacy will be respected. And I offer the services on this site for free and without obligation. Why? I want to be YOUR Realtor. As your trusted, professional real estate partner, I will help you find the best home in your area within your price range. And together we will sell your home, for as much as the market will bear, and as quickly as possible.
Buying or selling a home is one of the biggest events in your life. As a top Realtor, I have the experience and track record you are looking for. Please let me help.
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California Public, Private and Charter Schools: Compare them using these top-rated, comprehensive reports.
Schools in Citrus Heights, Roseville and Sacramento
Pheromones are mysterious little chemical sensors that are supposed to have a lot to do with whether or not we are attracted to people. They may also play a big part in the way people react to houses.
If you have a house on the market, it will be important to ensure that the pheromone factor is as high as possible--so that the prospects who come inside will involuntarily pull out their checkbooks and offer to pay your asking price. A good real estate agent can give you some important hints about maximizing your home's ability to attract buyers. This could mean completely airing out every room to eliminate musty odors, or allowing enough time for freshly painted walls to lose that telltale toxic smell.
Unless you are already compulsively neat, you may need to make temporary changes in your housekeeping habits to ensure that your home is both fresh-smelling and sparkling clean. Sometimes this will involve hiring a professional cleaning service. Give your real estate agent the space to speak candidly about what you need to do to make your house looks its best.
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What private residence is considered the most expensive house ever built?
The William Randolph Hearst Ranch in San Simeon, California cost over $30 million, equivalent today to $276,883,320. Bill Gates recently built a home for over $40 million.
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Email: ncleaver@comcast.net
Roseville, Sacramento, Citrus Heights and the surrounding areas are wonderful places to live with so much to offer. Nathan Cleaver is a dedicated professional who offers his expertise to clients by helping them make the best decisions for their family and for future resale. When you are buying or selling property in todays real estate market, its important to have confidence in your real estate professional. Nathan keeps on the cutting edge of the real estate industry and makes excellent use of the latest technology. Nathans commitment as your local REALTOR is to provide you with the specialized real estate service you deserve. For more information click on the link below to visit Nathans web site.
www.laststophomes.com is brought to you by Nathan Cleaver
NUMBER1EXPERT™ in real estate for Citrus Heights, Roseville, Sacramento, California
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