Serving the areas of...Yarmouth Port, Orleans, Chatham, Brewster, Dennis, Barnstable, Hyannisport,
Sandwich, Bourne, Harwich, Marston Mills, Mashpee, & Osterville.
"Personally Matched Caregivers to Suit the Personality and Medical Needs of Our Members"
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Why Leave Your Home?
HOME TO STAY is devoted to helping seniors who wish to live independently in their own homes, do so with peace of mind. We try to help make your life happier, healthier, and easier. Why leave your home when we can help you stay where you want to be?
Initially we will...
Design a personalized plan to fit your individual needs.
Carefully select the best Companion or Home Health Aide to match your personality, and fit your needs. (Your Companion will not change unless you request it.)
Develop a wonderful, enjoyable relationship based upon mutual trust.
Emphasize good nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle.
Advocate for your best health resources.
Provide specialized Geriatric Care Planning and Management.
Extend our services to provide personal hygienic care, including Home Health Aides.
For peace of mind for both you and your family members,
HOME TO STAY will be there for you today as well as tomorrow.
HOME TO STAY is insured, licensed, and incorporated. All staff members are experienced, highly qualified, and have had federally regulated background checks.
Home To Stay is a small, independent company that is owned and operated by Pat Adams, RN. We believe in old- fashioned values, and work from the heart.
All of Home To Stay's carefully chosen Companion/ Homemakers and Home Health Aids have full background checks and are hand picked for their heart and professionalism.
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