Intel Investigative and Protective Solutions ("INTEL")is a full service professional investigations firm that provides cost effective investigative and protective solutions for the general public,legal counsel, and insurance industry. INTEL is a licensed, fully insured, and bonded agency.
Our mission at INTEL is to provideintelligent innovative solutions for our clients so that all of their needs are met in a timely and effecient manner. We take pride in our value-addedinvestigative and protective solutions.
We specialize in all surveillance needs, thorough insurance defense investigations, detailed interviews,and missing persons ("skip tracing") investigations/asset searches. The Chief Investigator oversees all of theinvestigations and guarantees aprofessional and comprehensive report of the findings oftheinvestigations.
Please contactthe Chief Investigator, PaulJ. Wood, Jr., via telephone or e-mailfor a free consultation.