The Psychological Center is recognized as being a premier provider in the Merrimack Valley for science-based substance abuse and mental health treatment for the past 40 years.
The Psychological Center offers a wide array of services, including outpatient individual and group counseling, a medication clinic, Structured Outpatient Addiction Programs (SOAP), PEOPLE! The Recovery Center, Driver Alcohol Education (DAE), DPH Residential Housing (Women's View, Pegasus, and Daybreak Shelter) and Safe Haven a DMH Program.
TPC works closely with the court system to provide assessment, educational, and therapeutic services. In addition we consult with the area school systems, public and elected officials, physicians and attorneys, and business people.
Our mission is to help individuals, children and families learn positive coping responses to the stressors they experience in the home, school, workplace and society.
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Tel: (978) 685-1337 ♦ 11 Union Street ♦ Lawrence, Massachusetts 01840
Wellness Center is an Asian bodywork spa designed with Wonderful music and the elegance and beauty of the spa! Excellent facilities and high cleanliness.