Welcome to Sinclaire Enterprises, Incorporated's new website. Sinclaire Oil and Heating, Inc., Sinclaire Air and Duct Services, and Aegis Bio-Clean, Inc. have joined together to form a new company. For over 60 years, our family of companies has been providing our customers with quality products and services. Still family-owned and operated, our efforts to provide superior services now are guided by traditional values like honesty and integrity, as they have every year we've been in business.
Latest news from Sinclaire Enterprises
Become a SINCLARE SELECT member!
As a preferred customer, you'll enjoy 24 hour emergency service, a
free precision tune-up, priority customer service, extended
equipment life, preferred customer status, peace of mind and
2010 2011 Massachusetts Homeowner Oil Heating System Upgrade and Insurance Law goes into effect on September 30th, 2011. You must upgrade your home heating system to prevent leaks from tanks and pipes that connect to your furnace.
H1N1 -- Help reduce the risk of infection!
As a new strain of influenza sweeps the nation, people everywhere are looking for ways to protect themselves and their loved ones. Sinclaire Enterprises Inc. (a Service Provider for mPact Environmental Solutions) is at the center of efforts to reduce exposure to this new deadly virus.