To evaluate customers concerns
To provide the most beneficial, economical solution with courteous, prompt, professional service and the utmost respect for property and environment
Jeff D. Helgerson Excavating, Inc. is a full service excavating and sanitation company run by Jeff D. and Cathy A. Helgerson. We are Dudley residents and our business office is located in Charlton.
We service a 24 town radius in central MA and beyond, we have certified Title V inspectors, and we have the capability of pumping 14,000 gallons in one trip, for commercial accounts.
Please feel free to visit our new location at 79 Bay Path Road in Charlton! The office and show room hours are 7:00 am 3:00 pm Monday through Friday. All telephone calls are answered 24 hours a day. In the event there is no one to answer, an Emergency number is available at all times.
When shopping for a septic system service provider you might want to consider our company.
Heres why: We pride ourselves in our staff of experienced, educated technicians who have been with our company for many years. Ultimately this means that after your first service, you will most likely receive service from the same technician on future occasions.someone that is familiar with your system and/or property.
Also, we check all mechanical components of your septic system and check for any obvious or potential problems BEFORE they happen. Proactive is better than Reactive!
We will keep records on your system and send you a friendly reminder for future maintenance. This provides assurance to you in knowing your system will be maintained in a timely manner, avoiding costly repairs or replacements. We utilize high quality, well maintained and clean equipment. We are fully insured and permitted by all the Towns in which we provide service.
We also provide support, technical advice and products for septic system maintenance. We have equipment for component locating and/or problem areas such as pipe cameras, flushable sondes that transmit signals for use with our receivers, metal detectors and wire tracers. This prevents digging up your landscape if a problem is identified underground. When underground problems are identified, we utilize a very small tractor to expose the trouble spot and make the repair without unnecessary or invasive excavation to your property. If the problem is more severe we can provide a list of engineers and system designers. Additionally we can install any type or style of septic system.
Have you heard about Presby Systems? We are certified to install them as well as a number of other excellent systems such as Infiltrator, CulTec, BioClear, Microfast and a list of many other DEP-approved components for septic systems.
A new septic system can cost $THOUSANDS$. Who should best care for it? An experienced, well established, permitted, fully insured company with good equipment, educated technicians.or Larry the cable guy? Please feel free to ask for references chances are we have been at your neighbors or friends house providing services to them.
We are certified for all types of Systems including Presby Systems. We have Massachusetts-certified Title V Inspectors.
Our staff members attend the annual International Liquid Waste Haulers Convention to remain up to date with state of the art knowledge of all aspects in this field.
Give us a call!
The water that leaches back into the ground from your septic tank/cesspool is eventually put back into the water table of our earth.
This is the reason to maintain your system by pumping out the solids--they should not be exiting into your leach area.
Water is our most important natural resource of all!
So do your part and give us a call!
Reminder cards are automatically sent to all our customers to keep them on the ball.