Come to Trinity to celebrate Holy Eucharist on Thanksgiving. The nursery will be open at 10:30 am...
Advent Retreat with Theologian Dylan Breuer
Unplug from the Christmas machine and spend some time preparing for the coming of Messiah this...
2010 Programs & Ministries Report
Wider in Welcome
Worship is at the heart of our life at Trinity. In it we find the source, the call, and the empowerment for the three-fold pilgrimage that shapes our life together in Christ: the journey inward to find and be found by God, the journey together to find and be found by our sisters and brothers, and the journey outward to offer what we have and be in service to our neighbors and the world.
We welcome you to worship with us!
We may become Christians at Baptism, but the "Christening" of our lives is a lifelong task and lies at the center of the Church's mission. Together, we are formed deeply in mind and spirit into the image of Christ, not only for our own good, but for the good of God's world.
Bolder in Service
"Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?"
Through Trinity's Social Justice Ministry, we as a people try, with our Loving God's help, to put those words into action. In partnership with the Trinity Boston Foundation, our ministries increase our connections with the wider community. Come and join us, and grow in faith and service.
At The Heritage for The Blind, we understand that losing your vision can be a difficult, emotional, and life-changing experience that affects you and everyone around you.
At The Heritage for The Blind, we understand that losing your vision can be a difficult, emotional, and life-changing experience that affects you and everyone around you.
At The Heritage for The Blind, we understand that losing your vision can be a difficult, emotional, and life-changing experience that affects you and everyone around you – spouses, family members, chi