We attribute our success to hard work and dedication to customer satisfaction. And we achieve this through prompt and professional customer service.
If you are looking for someone that specializes in the maintenance, service and installation of all major brands of heating, air
conditioning, ice machine and refrigeration units on the market
today, look no further. Our commercial division maintains and
repairs all your food service equipment as well as refrigeration, heating and air conditioning. Our domestic division provides fast dispatched service for ALL brands of household appliances.
United Service Co. is a state licensed air conditioning and
refrigeration contractor. Our outstanding team of service technicians are E.P.A. approved and refrigerant recovery certified.
And, United Service Co. services a wide variety of establishments including but not limited to restaurants, schools, hotels, hospitals
and private corporations.
Interested in a maintenance programs to meet your specific needs? Call United Service Co. today: 1-978-750-5600.