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Can acupuncture help me feel better?
Since 1989, Acupuncture and Associated Therapies of Mashpee, Massachusetts, has been successfully treating patients for acute and chronic conditions. Safe and effective, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have proven useful for thousands of years. For a partial list of conditions acupuncture treats, see What is Acupuncture.
Whether its an acute or chronic condition, more and more people are realizing that Western medicine treatments have many limitations. Even worse, many treatments actually weaken the body and its immune system, whereas, Chinese medicine has many ways to strengthen the bodys ability to heal itself. People often find that acupuncture and Chinese medicine can bring results they were missing from conventional treatments. Treating the body as a whole is often the missing piece in achieving wellness.
Located on Cape Cod, patients come to Acupuncture and Associated Therapies from all over Southeastern Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Nantucket, and Marthas Vineyard to not only help them feel better, but more importantly, to get to the root of their medical conditions.
Using acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine Chinese Herb
Home Medicine Cabinet, Acutonics, and Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET), Licensed Acupuncturist Arlene Myers specializes in chronic conditions and internal medicine. 95% of her patients come from referrals from other patients and other health care providers. Her testimonials page says it all.
Isnt it time you felt better? For a free, no obligation phone conference, contact Acupuncture and Associated Therapies today at 508-539-0299