We the Church of the Nativity are called together by God to be and to make faithful followers of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As we pursue our Mission we place ourselves in the hands of God: connecting in small groups and ministry teams, engaging in daily Bible reading and prayer, worshipping and resting weekly, offering our time, gifts and treasure
Care for one another
and Celebrate our life together.
All to the glory of God, and the building up of His Kingdom.
Church of the Nativity45 Howard Street
Sunday Services7:45 AMHoly Eucharist
Holy Eucharist with Choir, Nursery Care
and Church School
Saturday Service5 PMHoly Eucharist
The Rev. Leonard C. Cowan
Associate for Youth Ministries
The Rev. Michael Cheney
Click for the online scheduler
Listen to an MP3 sermon!
Vacation Bible School 2010!
See our News & Notes page for the latest events.
Church of the Nativity45 Howard Street Northborough, MA 01532 Phone: (508) 393-3146
Web Site maintained byLinda Cassidy