We are dedicated to providing quality, affordable child care to all families.
We are commited to:
...responding to the community's need for child care. We have been a respected and active member of the community for over 38 year's.
..providing quality programs. We are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
...making child care available for all families. We offer sliding-fee programs based on families income.
...being a support for families by providing the best programs possible for their children.
If you are looking for:
...an experienced agency on which you can depend to meet your child care needs.
...a quality program that will enhance your child's growth and development, is staffed by competent professionals and is one in which you can feel confident.
...a proram which will meet your needs for child care as your child ages, where you and your child can experience consistency and stability.
...a program that is affordable.
Please Call Us Today to arrange for a visit. 508-226-0282.