10:30 AM Worship Service
12:15 PM Thanksgiving Community Meal
08:00 AM Life Screening
06:00 PM Men’s Jail Ministry
07:00 PM Men’s Basketball
10:00 AM Prime Timers Bible Study
06:30 PM Board of Ministries
06:30 PM Thanksgiving Eve Service & Pie Fellowship
Thanksgiving - CCS & Church Office Closed
CCS & Church Office Closed
09:00 AM Library Work
I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another. -- Romans 15:14
– a welcoming community of people whose lives are being changed by Jesus Christ
We welcome you to worship and serve Jesus Christ with us. At Greenfield Alliance Church we want you to feel loved and accepted for who you are, and be able to grow from where you are into the person God created you to be. Greenfield Alliance Church values yesterday’s experience while faithfully walking toward tomorrow. Greenfield Alliance Church invites you to join us on the journey.
Sunday Services 9:00AM Sunday School for all ages
10:00AM Family Fellowship Snacks and Coffee for the entire family
10:30AM Worship - Children's Church for children up to grade 5
Join us for a night with The Logan Martin Band with special guest Nate Griffin. Thursday November 18, 2010 @ 7:00 pm
A suggested donation of $5 may be given at the door the night of the concert.
The Logan Martin band was the worship band at LIFE 2010.
Wednesday Family night:
6:30PM YUC Bible Study and Fellowship
6:30PM Kidmo Kid's Club