Chiropractic is a proven safe Science, Art and Philosophy that concerns itself with the restoration of good health by restoring and maintaining a properly functioning nervous system, without the use of drugs or surgery.
Chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that your body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism. These important functions are controlled by the brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves of the body. The skull protects the delicate tissues of the brain. The moving bones of the spine protect the vulnerable communication pathways of the spinal cord and . . . learn more
On your first visit, a physician will complete an initial examination, and will answer any questions you may have regarding your condition, or general questions regarding Chiropractic care.
Depending on the doctor's findings he may request a set of x-rays to be taken of the affected area (ex. Cervical spine, lumbar spine, shoulder, etc). On the second visit, The doctor will review the x-rays with you along with a report of findings that includes the results of the examination and a plan of care. After all questions have been answered, treatment will begin.
Chiropractic is recognized as one of the safest types of health care in the world. Numerous studies, including those funded by governments, universities and nonprofit research institutions, have proven it to be a successful primary therapy for neuromusculoskeletal conditions.
Chiropractic therapy is safer, in fact, than most medical procedures used to treat the same conditions. Chiropractic is also widely used as a complementary mode of care for a variety of other conditions and diseases and to promote overall health and well-being. . . learn more