Baker Testing provides a broad range of industrial testing and inspection services for manufacturing, welding, power generation, paper mills, electronics, and other industries.
Services include consulting, analysis, field testing, and laboratory testing for structural reliability and in-service quality inspection.
teams of qualified technicians for
utility and industrial inspection projects.
Baker Testing provides NDT testing services for applications requiring Radiography, Digital Radiography, Ultrasonic Testing, Time-of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD) Ultrasonic Analysis, Magnetic Particle and Liquid Penetrant Testing, Visual Inspection, Ground Penetrating Radar, Boiler and Tank Thickness Surveys, API 653 Inspection, Turbine Inspection, Weld Procedure and Welder Qualification, and Failure Analysis. Destructive Testing is to determine the mechanical properties of materials.
Contact Baker Testing for assistance in planning for your testing needs.
Baker Testing staffs Certified Weld Inspectors (CWI) and ASNT Level III, NAS Level III, and NYDOT certified technicians.
For more information on industrial NDT testing or to receive a quote, please call us toll-free or send an email.
In Rockland, Massachusetts (877) 871-4458,
In Troutman, North Carolina (866) 528-5019,
Baker Testing Services 2009